TOP 5: best Android Apps May 2011Android Geeky is always checking out the latest releases on the Market, in order to have you informed about the best stuff for your Android. You have a powerful device, we tech you how to take advantage of it. Due to this, we are proud to announce the best 5 apps available in May 2011 (in our personal opinion after a long internal discussion). Make your you run to buy them all! It really worth. Ready or not, here is the TOP!
5. Google Music Beta.
After the amazing Google I/O press of 2011, all of us got amuzed to know Google got in Music Cloud Services. Amazon did it first (and many others actually had the service before), but everyone wanted to wait and see what Google was about to bring us. Via an special invitation from google, you can get the power of 20.000 songs on your music cloud. It has an answer to apples's music Genius, with the one the song that you are listening is sent to google servers and analysed by those super powerful machines, and it brings you back (all in a few seconds) a play list with similar songs than the one you are playing. The service is only available on the US by now. You can ask for the Invite at , and while you get it, you can download the Android APK app from the market. With it you will be able on the meanwhile to play the music stored on your device. 4. Titanium Backup PROThe best Backup-related tool! It can save a copy, restore, freeze (with Pro) your apps + data + Market links. Almost everything can be managed with this app. Supports protected and system apps! 0-click Batch/scheduled backups! Move apps (or app data) to/from SD card! The PRO version adds 0-click batch restores, Dropbox sync, conversion between user <=> system apps, Dalvik cleaner & MORE! You should have it in case something wrong occurs with your configuration, apps, maps or all your sensitive data. Go and download the APK applications NOW! 3. Netflix for Android
The power of Netflix on your Android phone. Just download this free app and you will be able instantly to watch shows and movies from the amazing Netflix.
Netflix media database is full of the best entertainment content you can find on web. You can ask for a free trial and then buy the full service for an small amount. Download now the app's full APK 2. Jenga for Android
Extreamtly realistic game for Android. The objective: (is someone havent played it on real life) by turns take off little sticks from a tower and then placing them on the top of it. The tower must be as tall as possible, but be careful! The one who make it fall will loose!!
You can play the Arcade mode or multiplayer. Once you download it the fun begins! Run and buy it.
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